That feeling. Of being in sync, a harmony of motion.
Or that glowing moment when you realise, from a distance, that the exquisite bike over there is your own..
...Is why I design, build, paint and even repair bicycles, components and accessories by hand, in Liverpool from the finest UK sourced materials.
And take my time to get it right.
My name is Steven Gent, With 15 years experience within cycle/motor mechanics and fine art I have found a great satisfaction in the nature of building fine cycles from scratch. Making the choice to start building frames in early 2013 came so naturally it barely felt like a choice at all. Riding from London to Prague, across Japan and all over the UK on a variety of unsuitable bikes had already given me an acute awareness of what was needed for a quality ride but also deepened my respect for even the most humble cycle and broadened my experience of the subtle, often undefinable relationship we build with our machines.
A drive to learn, refine and apply an artistic engineering practise as well as an appreciation of the quiet character of bikes lies at the core of my dedication to build the ideal bicycle for every customer. I believe in functional, considered design and materials that offer a long, honest, lifetime of respectful use coupled with an aesthetic nature that echoes your own inspirations whilst embodying just enough personality of its own to become a real friend.
I chiefly work with traditional techniques and materials, by hand, from start to finish but I am often excited to employ newer technologies and practises in my building if they fit the dream for your unique machine.
Either way you will know that every cycle bearing the Sparrow name is designed and built by the same person typing these words or answering the telephone, this presence throughout the entire process means I can be entirely certain that your bike will be delivered exactly as we have planned together.